Showing all 6 results
Hymns for Nomads / David Benjamin Blower
CD / MP3
Emerging from the patronage of Nomad Podcast, ‘Hymns for Nomads’ is a compilation of spirituals, murder ballads and campfire songs; digging through the soil of life in search of hope and humanity.
Epiphany EP / The Blood Magnetic
CD / MP3
The indie-pop collective release their debut EP, a reimagining of classic ‘Christmas’ poetry in a new musical backdrop
The Book of Jonah / David Benjamin Blower
CD / MP3
David Benjamin Blower’s most ambitious project to date: a radiophonic production of The Book of Jonah, narrated by NT Wright.
Sympathy for Jonah / David Benjamin Blower
David Benjamin Blower’s second book Sympathy for Jonah: Reflections on Humiliation, Terror and the Politics of Enemy-Love. Foreword by Ched Myers.
Sojourner / Stewart Garry
‘Sojourner’ is a cinematic folk album, recorded live in various locations around the UK, and filmed at the same time, released in May 2016.
Good Sky EP / Josiah Gillespie
Josiah Gillespie‘s first release on Minor Artists is a cross-section of life, frozen in time; family, friendships and fallouts laid beside one another in all their hopefulness and loss.